We Must Work To Find Common Ground | The Clarksburg Exponent
by Senator Joe Manchin
As our politics becomes increasingly polarized, it is easy to feel discouraged about bipartisanship. I've always said that partisan politics has turned into a tribal mentality and has ruined Washington and is the reason why it's so hard to get things done. But as a senator from West Virginia, I still believe there is plenty of common ground where Democrats and Republicans can work together for the benefit of all Americans. Bipartisanship isn't just a political practice; it's a value … Continue Reading
January 06, 2020
Putting Partisan Politics Aside To Help West Virginia | The Wheeling Intelligencer
by Senator Joe Manchin
When I was sworn in as the U.S. senator for West Virginia, I knew I had big shoes to fill. Senator Robert C. Byrd was a giant in the Senate, known for his work on the Appropriations Committee to bring opportunities and projects to our state. Today, I am proud to hold the seat of the great senator and I take my responsibility to carry on his legacy as a member of the Appropriations Committee seriously. Since my time as governor, I have made sure that our state has a track record of working … Continue Reading
December 23, 2019
Promise Delivered To Our Miners | Charleston Gazette-Mail
by Senator Joe Manchin
Last week, after four long years of uncertainty, Congress came together to permanently secure health care and pensions for our nation's coal miners. With an end-of-the-year deadline looming, Congress had to act to save the health care and pensions of nearly 100,000 coal miners and their families who were going into this holiday season fearing the benefits they earned would be gutted. But Congress did its job, and kept the promise made to our coal miners by including the Bipartisan … Continue Reading
November 27, 2019
Americans Must Not Forget To Be Grateful For Blessings | The Montgomery Herald
by Senator Joe Manchin
As we gather around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, it is important for us to reflect on the great blessings we share as West Virginians and Americans. It is easy to forget how blessed we are to live in a country with the greatest liberties and freedoms in the world, but Thanksgiving is the one day each year that the entire American "family" gathers together to give thanks for the blessings we enjoy. Year after year, we come together no matter what is happening in the life of our country - … Continue Reading
November 19, 2019
3 Senators: We're Ready To Resume Bipartisan Gun Background Check Talks With Trump Anytime | USA Today
by Senators Joe Manchin, Chris Murphy and Pat Toomey
There is no escaping gun violence in America. In the sleepy hamlet of Sandy Hook, Connecticut, a disturbed young man needed only five minutes to murder 20 first-graders and six educators. In Philadelphia, this year is on track to end with the city suffering more homicides, most of them perpetrated with a gun, than any other year in the past decade. In rural West Virginia, suicides are on the rise, with the firearm as the common method of choice. In under a week, we've seen shootings in Santa … Continue Reading
November 10, 2019
We Must Remember To Thank Our Military Men And Women | The Exponent Telegram
by Senator Joe Manchin
West Virginia is one of the most patriotic states in this great nation. During my time in the U.S. Senate, it has been my greatest honor to serve those who have served, and celebrate veterans and all they have given for our freedom. Whenever I travel across our state and speak at schools and community events, I always ask how many people have a family member who served or is serving in our Armed Forces. Nearly every hand always goes up - because service to our country is part of who we … Continue Reading
October 31, 2019
ARC Vital To West Virginia's Future | Charleston Gazette-Mail
by Senator Joe Manchin
Since the time I was a young boy growing up in Farmington, I have always known that West Virginians are the hardest working people in America. We have done the heavy lifting that has made our country the strongest in the world. Whether working in the mines or at one of our new technology companies, we are proud of our hard work and dedication to our country. First and foremost on the minds of many West Virginians is the strength of our economy and the ability for men and women to find job … Continue Reading
October 10, 2019
U.S Senator Joe Manchin On The Value Of Local Newspapers
by Senator Joe Manchin
For as long as our great nation has existed, newspapers have been part of the fabric that strengthens our democracy and makes our communities stronger. Before James Madison became our 4th U.S. President, he wrote the Bill of Rights and enshrined the freedom of the press into the First Amendment of the Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees the unabridged freedom of speech and has allowed newspapers to act as the "Fourth Estate," watching over our three branches of government holding our … Continue Reading
October 06, 2019
Access And Preservation Key To The New River Gorge | The Register Herald
by Senator Joe Manchin
In the 19th and 20th centuries, Raleigh and Fayette counties produced more coal than almost anywhere in the world. At one point there were more than 60 coal towns in and around Beckley and Fayetteville. These coal camps, our brave miners and their families were the heart of our state. They mined the coal that powered our country through World Wars and to the prosperity we enjoy today. There are few active mines in the region now but the legacy of our coal miners lives on. Within the New River … Continue Reading
October 06, 2019
Doing More For Homeless Children In West Virginia | Wheeling Intelligencer
by Senator Joe Manchin
Education is an essential part of our children's lives. All of our students are expected to meet the same challenging state academic achievement standards, but a student's environment outside of school has a profound impact on their ability to learn and achieve in the classroom. Every child needs a loving, caring adult in their life. It's the most important promise you can make to a child, and when that promise is broken we see the horrific situation we are in today that's led to more than … Continue Reading
July 18, 2019
World Jamboree Great For Scouts, West Virginia | Charleston Gazette-Mail
by Senator Joe Manchin
Being a Boy Scout in West Virginia was such a unique and enriching experience for me. It taught me new skills and leadership qualities, while also gaining new friends and mentors that helped shape me into the Senator, former governor, father and grandfather I am today. That's why as governor I worked hard to bring the permanent home of the National Scout Jamboree to West Virginia. In 2007, when the Scouts of America announced they were looking for a new location to house their National … Continue Reading
May 13, 2019
Senator Urges Protection Of Benefits | The Fayette Tribune
by Senator Joe Manchin
The miners of West Virginia and their families are the heart and soul of the Mountain State. Generations of our patriotic coal miners have spent their lives underground in order to provide our country with energy. They have endured countless years of backbreaking work and they are proud of the role they have played in building our nation into the greatest in the world, but they are at risk of being left behind and I refuse to let that happen. Right now, retired coal miners' pensions, … Continue Reading
April 26, 2019
Passage Of Legacy Act Could Help Save Lives | The Fayette Tribune
by Senator Joe Manchin
In West Virginia, we know firsthand the devastation that opioids and substance use disorder has had on our families and communities. Too many of our children, siblings, parents and friends have lost their battle as a result of these terrible drugs that have invaded our state. These highly addictive opioids have resulted in life-long battles with substance use disorder. One of those West Virginians who lost her battle, despite her and her family's best efforts, was Jessica Grubb. Jessie was a … Continue Reading
March 25, 2019
Toyota News Shows WV A Good Place To Do Business | The Charleston Gazette
by Senator Joe Manchin
As I have said many times before, West Virginia is the perfect place to do business. West Virginians are the hardest-working people in America and, when companies and organizations come to our state, they tend to stay and grow here. Our state's relationship with Toyota is a perfect example. Toyota just announced an additional $111 million investment in West Virginia, which will add 123 more jobs to the Buffalo plant in the next year. This announcement is a testament to the West Virginians who … Continue Reading
March 11, 2019
It's Time To Act On Climate Change-Responsibly | The Washington Post
by Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Lisa Murkowski
The two of us have more in common than might meet the eye. We come from different parties, but we are both avid outdoorsmen and represent states that take great pride in the resources we provide to the nation and to friends and allies around the world. Alaska and West Virginia know that resource development and environmental stewardship must move in tandem, which is why we are committed to putting forward bipartisan solutions to help address climate change. There is no question that climate … Continue Reading
March 08, 2019
It’s time to act on climate change — responsibly | The Washington Post
by Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Lisa Murkowski
Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, represents Alaska in the U.S. Senate. Joe Manchin, a Democrat, represents West Virginia in the U.S. Senate.The two of us have more in common than might meet the eye. We come from different parties, but we are both avid outdoorsmen and represent states that take great pride in the resources we provide to the nation and to friends and allies around the world. Alaska and West Virginia know that resource development and environmental stewardship must move in tandem, … Continue Reading
March 08, 2019
West Virginia Can Lead In Energy Solutions | The Charleston Gazette
by Senator Joe Manchin
When I was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010, I knew I wanted to serve on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. My recent assignment to this committee ensures West Virginia has a seat at the table during important national energy policy discussions. That's why becoming ranking member in January is so exciting. In my first few months as ranking member, we have examined the state of energy markets in West Virginia, nationally, and globally, as well as important issues like … Continue Reading
October 17, 2018
Defense, military readiness transcend partisan politics | Dominion Post
by Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Dan Sullivan
As our politics become increasingly polarized it is easy to get discourages about bipartisanship. But as Senators from West Virginia and Alaska we prove there is plenty of common ground where we can work together. Although separated by more than 3,000 miles we share a common concern for the defense and protection of Americans everywhere. With this in mind we have found numerous ways to reach across the aisle and work in the best interests of Alaskans and West Virginians. In October 2016, … Continue Reading
October 16, 2018
Affordable Care Act can be fixed
by Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Susan Collins
Washington, D.C., has become too partisan and there is no better example of that than the topic of health care - a deeply personal, complex issue that affects every single one of us and one-sixth of the American economy. No one believes that the Affordable Care Act is perfect, including us, but both its passage, and the attempts to repeal it, reveal just how broken Washington is. As our Constitution was being written, legend tells us of a conversation between George Washington and Thomas … Continue Reading
October 15, 2018
Bipartsan efforts fight against opioid epidemic | Huntington Herald Dispatch
by Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Marco Rubio
West Virginia is ground zero for the opioid crisis, yet people often drive hundreds of miles to pill mills in other states, including Florida, which was recently the opioid capital of the world. At its height, pill mills in Florida were selling millions of pills a month. Doctors, pharmacies, distributors, drug companies, drug dealers - everyone - was getting rich. But most of the pills weren't only being bought by Floridians. College kids, addicts and drug dealers took the "Oxy Express," … Continue Reading