September 03, 2020

Jennifer Garner Joins Senator Manchin To Encourage West Virginians To Take Census

Charleston, WV – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released a public service announcement (PSA) featuring West Virginia native and actress Jennifer Garner encouraging West Virginians to participate in the 2020 Census. The deadline to complete the Census is just 27 days away – September 30th.

When West Virginians respond to the 2020 Census, they help inform how billions of dollars in federal funding flows into communities across West Virginia, including money for schools, hospitals and health clinics, roads, public transportation, and other vital services. Every person in West Virginia who does not respond to the Census equates to $20,000 in federal funds West Virginia will lose over the next 10 years. If 100 people do not respond, that's $2 million lost in federal funds to West Virginia over the next ten years.

To download Senator Manchin and Jennifer Garner’s PSA, click here.

The full text of the PSA is below.  

MANCHIN: The 2020 U.S. Census deadline is September 30th -- which is why it's more important now than ever to respond.

GARNER: By participating in the Census, you help ensure your tax dollars stay right here in the Mountain State to benefit our seniors, Veterans, schools, hospitals and more.

MANCHIN: Make time today to visit

GARNER: Or call 844-330-2020.

MANCHIN: Your response matters

GARNER: Your voice matters.

BOTH: So make it count, West Virginia!