December 06, 2023

Manchin Statement on Vote to Advance National Security Supplemental

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), member of the Senate Armed Service Committee, released the following statement on his vote for the motion to proceed on the national security supplemental funding bill.

“Commonsense should dictate that we need to secure our own border in addition to helping Ukraine and Israel secure theirs. In the greatest country on Earth, we do not have to choose between protecting our homeland and defending our allies. My support for Israel and Ukraine is unwavering but it does not supersede my commitment to my own country. We need major, structural reforms to limit the number of illegal crossings at our southern border and regain operational control. I am voting to proceed on this bill because I have received a commitment from Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that we can add amendments to the national security supplemental that will secure our border.”