December 13, 2010

Senator Joe Manchin (D.W.VA.) Participates in Launch of No Labels

New nonpartisan organization committed to finding common ground hosts NYC event with New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), Sen. Joe Lieberman, (I-CT), and Congressman Bob Inglis (R-SC)

NEW YORK – Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) today joins New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Congressman Bob Inglis (R-SC), along with more than 1,000 Democratic, Republican and Independent citizen leaders from across the nation, to launch "No Labels," a new nonpartisan organization committed to bringing all sides together to move the nation forward. 
“I am excited to participate in this event,” Manchin said. “I have said repeatedly that we must put partisan politics aside, do what's right and work together to start rebuilding America. It is this philosophy that guided me as West Virginia's governor, and it is that view that will guide me as a senator.”
Sen. Manchin is participating in a panel discussion, titled "Hyper-Partisanship in America," with Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN); Joe Scarborough, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host; David Gergen, CNN senior political analyst; and, moderated by Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host.
“This organization will give all public servants a real opportunity to discuss today’s challenges and seek common ground to develop new ideas and innovative solutions we need to help better our nation," added Manchin.
"No Labels," as outlined on its website, "is not a centrist, conservative or liberal movement. In fact, "No Labels" is not about ideology; it is about an attitude and new approach."
The group does "not ask any political leader to ever give up their label - merely put it aside - in order to work together and find practical solutions to our nation's problems.”
The launch starts at 9 a.m. Monday at Columbia University’s Alfred Lerner Hall, located at 2920 Broadway in New York City.
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