September 09, 2013

Manchin, Rockefeller, Rahall Announce Significant Funding for Community Development, Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senators Joe Manchin and Jay Rockefeller, along with Congressman Nick Rahall, today announced more than $23 million in federal funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for community development, affordable housing, and homelessness prevention and relief in West Virginia.

“In West Virginia, we understand the value of helping one another, especially in times of struggle,” said Manchin. “We need to do everything we can to make sure that our neighbors have the resources they need to get back on their feet, contribute to their communities and provide for their families. That starts with offering them the basic necessity of housing. These funds will provide a roof for those West Virginians who are in need and give them they hope they need to make a fresh start.”

"The well-being of our communities relies so much on the ability of our residents and families to access affordable housing and services, and they’re particularly important resources for those working to get back on their feet” said Rockefeller. “The HUD funds will not only do this but they’ll also provide our local economies with a well-deserved boost. Together, these investments have great potential to improve the quality of life for West Virginians across the state.”

“Helping the homeless get on the path to self-sufficiency with safe, secure housing can strengthen our neighborhoods, bolster businesses, and build healthier communities,” said Rahall. “It has been quite a fight in this Congress to preserve funding for programs like Community Development Block Grants, but a lot of good has been done by local leaders with those grants to strengthen our local economies and improve opportunities for growth and development, and this funding will certainly help to further those efforts.”

The HUD funds, which total $23.6 million, come from five separate grant programs: Community Development Block Grants; Continuum of Care; HOME Investment Partnerships; Emergency Shelter Grants; and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.

The Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) are used for community development, and to establish suitable living environments and expand economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons. The CDBG awards are as follows:

• $1,614,731 -- Huntington
• $259, 147 -- Martinsburg
• $348,385 -- Morgantown
• $814,973 -- Parkersburg
• $390,315 -- Weirton
• $1,155,997 – Wheeling

In addition to the awards listed above, the State of West Virginia received an additional $13,429,610 in CDBG funds.

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program provides funding for non-profit organizations and state and local governments to quickly house newly homeless individuals and families, and to minimize the trauma of homelessness. The CoC awards are as follows:

• $19,637 – Cabell-Huntington Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. – Huntington
• $46,262 – Covenant House, Inc. – Charleston
• $10,000 – Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless – Wheeling
• $49,680 – Huntington West Virginia Housing Authority – Huntington
• $16,589 – Kanawha Valley Collective – Charleston

The HOME program helps expand affordable housing opportunities to low-income families. The HOME awards are as follows:

• $558,790 – Huntington
• $304,309 -- Martinsburg
• $272,269 -- Parkersburg
• $296,900 -- Wheeling

In addition to the awards listed above, the State of West Virginia received an additional $3,961,656 in HOME program funds.

The Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) program helps improve the quality and number of emergency homeless shelters. The sole ESG award is as follows:

• $117,041 – Huntington

In addition, the State of West Virginia received an additional $1,279,122 in ESG funds.

Finally, the State of West Virginia received $321,686 from the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. HOPWA gives states and organizations resources to provide housing assistance and other supportive services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
